Thursday, April 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by campbellssoup.

So today was the IOA 5k run, i mean thats not really a big deal for those that run and love to run. I don't like running in fact i hate running but i figured we all have to do things we don't like from time to time. I ventured into this with a open mind, ok, actually i was a bit apprenhensive about it. I'm out of shape and that is very un nerving. So you're probably wondering about my time, well i ran a 36:00 flat. I would like to point out that i didn't train for this little 5k run so who knows what i would of been able to do?! Blah, Blah..i had to run and stop, run and stop, i got a bad case of shin splints, oh my dear lord do i get them bad. I almost gave up on the last mile because i figured it didn't matter, i was in some pain and then my pride took a hit..I overheard a woman encouraging her husband to keep on she passed me she looked back to see if her husband was behind her..he was, he was running on crutches and he had one leg! One freaking leg and he was passing me..Hell no he wasn't, any energy i had was conjured up right then and now..I ran as hard as i could...for pride and to get out of the ghetto. Damn, OBT is just ghetto.
anyways i don't know if i'll keep up the running but i do need to do something to get back to the o'l les..

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