Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rock out with your bangs out!

So, We've all had them at one time or another! But did we really ever thing that we'd go back to the bangs! I had bangs, they got in the way of seeing so I never really kept them when I got older. I kept on doing short hair cuts. The one regret I have in life is that I never grew out my hair as long as I possibly could of. I mean I think it would of looked crazy and people would of been afraid of me, ok, no I think I would of looked totally cool. So why am I talking about bangs? Well holly is thinking about getting them. She even sent me a picture so I'm posting it here because I need something to post..and because I think she looks good with her potential bangs..
So as you can see there's two sides to every story. Holly with bangs or holly with out bangs?


Unknown said...

You are such a butt...I only sent that for YOU to see!!! My girlfriends at work have helped me make my mind up...I'm going to do it. I just wish my hair appointment was sooner...

Kendra said...

she looks good both ways! i say to go with the bangs though... a change is always nice!

m said...

LOVE the bangs. i'm jealous... i have bangs but i also have this stupid cow lick... they never stay flat across my big fat forehead.

hey les, you could totally join the circle of girl bloggers by posting these types of posts.
