Monday, November 27, 2006


So I started my little part time job last week but I didn't really experience the full blown holiday season till this past Friday aka black friday aka why did I wake up so early to save 15% on these jeans? So there I was just folding clothes and then this gal started asking me if I spoke Spanish, I eagerly said yes I was thinking that perhaps she wanted to just talk while we folded the jeans into little folds! Nope, apparently this girl,who will remain nameless, loves telling her sexual encounters to strangers. That day she violated all sexual harassment policies, I mean every single one. When she wasn't talking about how much she loved having sex she was walking into the dressing rooms without knocking and staring at the guys packages to see...Well you know! I listened to her for 7 hrs, just going on and on about the dumbest things you can imagine. Who knew retail could be uncompromising? Oh well, I guess I could report her but then she'd know it was me!

I hope this holiday season goes by fast, because honestly I hate this time of year..I get nothing but stress from it.

hope everyone ate a lot and gained a couple of pounds.
Till next time..

Monday, November 13, 2006

My new hobby

As of late I've had too much damn time on my hands, I'm really working on resolving that situation, so I've been re-watching movies that made me laugh in a foreign title. This past Saturday night I watched The 40-yr old Virgin in French/Spanish. I can't tell you how hard I laughed when they were talking about dirty things in French...I guess it just sounded more dirty in French. I wonder if other things would be funnier in a different light. For instance would a gay lester be funnier or more enjoyable than a straight lester? Hmmm...probably not because I would just make inappropriate comments and make people more uncomfortable than I already do. So lets just squash that idea all together....

SO anyways today I thinking that I wonder how much I could get for everything in my room..and I mean everything. I would call it "I'm getting the F out here sale", or "I'm soo broke that I have to sell my clothes to strangers sale" ok I think I like the first sale. Anyways, I forgot to say happy birthday to KK. So happy birthday.

oh one more thing..suziqbea...doing a 100 things about me defeats the purpose of saying that only a few people know me...thanks for undermining a 7yr friendship...that just happened.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It came to my attention

I was watching Grey's Anatomy recently, perhaps it was the episode that aired 3 weeks ago and there was this song on one of these segway's where Meredith is talking about how life is this or love is like this...Anyways the song is Fidelty by Regina Spektor. I really enjoy that song however I don't enjoy her. I saw her (R.Spektor) live last year, she opened for Keane at Hard Rock Live and I wanted to punch her and I don't support hitting women! I guess it really grinds my gears that the song is pleasant that I have to support her. In other news I guess K-fed's lottery ticket has ran out of cash, well at least he'll have to find another way to support his "I don't do a damn thing" lifestyle! Too bad K-fed, I was happy for ya but I guess everything has to run out, eventually! Stedman you better watch it dawg you might be next!

Well my weekend of Solitude is now officially over, the roomies are back and the silence has stopped. Till next time, I'm Les....And this is a bit of my mind.