Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rakastan, Amor, Love, Amore.Je t'aime

I recently visited a friend's blog and the most recent post was about Love. Here's the link Its About Love

Its very compelling argument, actually I don't think its an argument as much as its a call to our hearts, perhaps to our logic. I voted NO on amendment 2, because I don't think I can deny others their happiness just because I don't choose to live their lifestyle. The same time we elect our first black president we still struggle with the idea of love and who can love each other.

We all strive to find someone that we can love, a person that feels like home. I can't choose who I love, the heart and mind want what they want. The same can be said about everyone, it doesn't have to make sense to you or me as long as it makes sense to those who are in love. I scribbled something down:

My heart will beat for you even though you choose to look the other way.
Call it what you will, a long uphill battle but its a thrill. Our love is raw, our love is true.
I'd face the world to proclaim my ache, against all odds, through my pain, through our shame, this love here, until I break it will remain.

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