I heard a great artist last night, will his music change my life or even make it to the radio, probably not unless its a college radio station and I'm too old for music to change my life. However,his music took me to a place of utter peace. Its odd I don't know exactly how to explain it but I think I mentally blacked out everything that has happened this past year while I was listening to him. Maybe it was the way he sang or the sound of the guitar, or maybe it was the lack of eating-whatever it was I feel at peace for an hour.
Oh,you're probably wondering who I'm talking about? The tallest man on earth which I have to thank Michael for introducing his music. We got to me him after the show and he's not the tallest man on earth, he might be the smallest man on earth, but his music is undoubtedly larger than his silhouette.
One more thing that happened lastnight, other than eating a delicious veggie dog on the street was that someone affirmed that he was ok to not be ok with how things happened. That there will always be a reaction of some sort to her. As much as I want to be able to just be whatever about or dismiss it as if it doesn't mean much, well I would be lying. It did mean alot and I can remember how I felt everytime I hear her name...
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