Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Though I am a male and I will never ever experience a pregnancy I can say that pregnant women are really over the top. I would say that its the equivalent of your girlfriend on her period for 9 months. Crazy crap starts happening for no rhyme or reason. One minute she'll be happy and loving by the end of this sentence she'll be ready to kick you in the balls and run away. I have a co-worker who for all intended purposes will remain nameless*don't get pregnant women mad!*
she has a very funny demeanor to her, she tells jokes, kids around, bosses you around, and other miscellaneous things that drive people crazy. She can get away with it because well she's pregnant. I wish I could remember how many times the ladies here at work say "oh yeah I remember when I was pregnant I went through the same thing!" the yelling, irrational emotional rollercoaster, and the badgering of loved one's- as if bitchy is key part of a pregnancy. I don't know what to expect when me and my wife (that's gonna be you baby) start having children. Holly is already pretty mean, will she act the opposite? I hope so!! Anyways, I never been more happy to be a man than am I now. My co worker had to stay home today because she no longer has ankles, she has cankles (Webster urban vernacular states that cankles is when your leg and ankles are the same, no significant difference from you leg and ankle, hence the word cankles!) slightly elevated blood pressure, and a possibility of some temporary diabetes! Damn, all this to have a kid, no wonder my mom acts if she owns me, she went through hell just to have me! I guess there are some cool things that come from having a baby, like another person to take out the trash and mowing the lawn, and feeding and clothing them till there oh i don't know 21! Oh theres also higher insurance rates, sleepless nights, as well as their first ethnic boyfriend (that one was for all my white friends, hahaha). I guess those are good reason to have or not have children, I myself am looking forward to the cool henna drawings that I get to draw on Holly's tummy!

~pic note, notice how there's hair coming out of from under the tummy...There's no more time to take care of that..oh man..oh man..


Les said...

Baby, laugh..its just a little joke..

Kendra said...

hilarious... you two are too cute!! so is this your co-workers belly? also, it is possible to have professional hair removal at all stages of life... just a thought

Erin said...

my favorite part of this picture is the flubber hanging over her tank top under her arms. awesome.

t said...

hahaha, CANKLES!!!